Thursday, March 3, 2011

March marks the end of our School visits

February has come and gone and along with it our 2011 school presentations.  Final tally had us going to 6 different schools and seeing just under 1000 students.  977 to be exact... but I wasn't counting.  =)  Each student participated in presentation that was put on by various staff members of Hansen Orthodontics.  During the presentation students (grades 1-5) watched a video, "Dudley the dinosaur and his classroom adventures"! Dental health was the theme of this adventure.  Dudley and his friends were a huge hit and provided a nice transition into the rest of our presentation.   

During our presentation we use a number of props to help illustrate our points. The first was a GIANT toothbrush.  With that we demonstarted how to properly brush your teeth on a stuffed dinosaur... which was a dead ringer for Dudley (total coincidence).  If you find yourself questioning your own brushing technique at this point in the post... please... let me know.  I will point you in the direct of nearly 1000 elementary schooler children who are now experts!  Giant floss was next!

Not only did we teach proper brushing and flossing technique but Janell her own presentation on healthy foods and healthy snack.  "Did you know what floss does for your teeth" she asked the kids.  It acts as "nature's floss"! Who would of thought?! She also went over healthy drinks to keep your teeth strong and clean.  Bad news people... soda isn't on that list.

After our presentation the kids were given the floor to ask questions about orthodontics and/or dental health.  Let me tell you first hand... they came up with some really great questions!  I was impressed.

Before leaving the students were given a goodie bag that included an activity sheet, Hansen Ortho pencil, toothpaste, free smoothie card and an award for participating in children's dental health month.  Sadly, this was their favorite part of the event!  Oh well... maybe next year it will be my explanation of tooth form and function.

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